In order for the following games to run the minimum system requirement are:
- Processor: Dual Core (Core 2 Duo/ Quad Core/ I7 recommended)
- Memory: 1 gb of RAM and above (2gb is recommended)
- Hardrive space: depends on the size of the game but it's recommended to have 8-12gb of free space per game, these next gen games packs a lot of space.
- Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce 7 series and above (8 or 9 series is recommended for less lag issues)
- Dragon Age Origins - Action/RPG
- The Last Remnant - RPG
- Gears of War - 3rd Person Shooter
- Fallout 3 - Action/RPG
- Mass Effect - Action/RPG/
- Lord of The Rings: Conquest - Action/Adventure
- Alone in The Dark - Survival Horror
- Prototype - Action
- Prince of Persia (2009) - Action/Adventure
- Dark Sector - Action/3rd Person Shooter
- Silent Hill Homecoming - Survival Horror
- Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - Action/3rd Person Shooter
- Call of Duty: World at War - 1st Person Shooter
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 1st Person Shooter
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 1st Person Shooter
- Left 4 Dead - 1st Person Shooter
- Clive Barker's Jericho - 1st Person Shooter/Horror
- Turok (2008) - 1st Person Shooter
- Dead Space - Survival Horror
- Tomb Raider Underworld - Action/Adventure
- Medal of Honor Airborne - 1st Person Shooter
- Assassin's Creed - Action/Adventure
- Beowulf - Action/Adventure
- Rise of The Argonauts - Action/RPG
- Lost Planet - 3rd Person Shooter
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - 1st Person Shooter
- F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate - 1st Person Shooter/Horror
- Devil May Cry 3 - Action/Hack and Slash
- Neverwinter Nights 2 - Action/RPG
- Loki - diablo style RPG
- Crysis - 1st Person Shooter
- Crysis Warhead - 1st Person Shooter
- Resident Evil 5 - Survival Horror
- Disney's Bolt - Action/Adventure
- Spore - Strategy/Simulation
- Space Siege - Action/RPG
- Frontlines Fuel of War - 1st Person Shooter
- Far Cry 2 - 1st Person Shooter
- John Woo's Stranglehold - 3rd Person Shooter
- Spiderman Web of Shadows - Action/Adventure
- Infernal - 3rd Person Shooter
- 007 Quantum of Solice - 1st Person Shooter
- Bully Scholarship Edition - Adventure
- Battle for the Pacific - 1st Person Shooter
- Spiderman 3 - Action/Adventure
- Warriors Orochi - Hack & Slash
- Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian - Action/Adventure
- Dynasty Warriors 6 - Hack & Slash
- Shellshock 2: Blood Trails - 1st Person Shooter/Horror
- Timeshift - 1st Person Shooter
- Legend: Hand of God - Action/RPG
- Stalker: Clear the Sky - 1st Person Shooter
- Kung Fu Panda - Action/Adventure
- Mercenaries 2 - 3rd Person Shooter
- NBA 2K10 - Sports
- Soldier of Fortune Payback - 1st Person Shooter
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent - Stealth/Action
- Saints Row 2 - Driving/3rd Person/Action
- Cryo Stasis - Mystery/Adventure
- X-Blades - Hack & Slash/Adventure
- Tom Clancy's End War - Strategy
- Necrovision - 1st Person Shooter/Horror
- Turning Point: Fall of Liberty - 1st Person Shooter
- Wheelman - Driving/3rd Person Shooter
- Monster vs. Aliens - Action/Adventure
- Wanted: Weapons of Fate - 3rd Person Shooter
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Action/Adventure
- Overlord - Action/Adventure
- Overlord 2 - Action/Adventure
- Velvet Assassin - Stealth/Action
- Street Fighter 4 - Fighting
- Watchmen 2 - Action/Beat 'em Up
- Batman Arkham Asylum - Stealth/Action
- Saw the Game - Survival Horror
- Ninja Blade - Action/Hack & Slash
- Operation Flashpoint 2 - Tactical/1st Person Shooter
- Saboteur - Driving/3rd Person Shooter
- Red Faction Guerilla - 3rd Person Shooter
- James Cameron's Avatar the Game - 3rd Person Shooter
- Bioshock - 1st Person Shooter
- Condemned Criminal Origins - Survival Horror
- World in Conflict - Strategy
- Gothic 3 - Action/RPG
- Titan Quest - Action/RPG
- Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth - Strategy
- Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2 - Strategy
- Lord of The Rings Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch King (expansion) - Strategy
- Stalker - 1st Person Shooter