Friday, March 12, 2010

Heavy Rain Review

Just got this game awhile ago and I was amazed how gorgeous this game is. You can almost interact to any object, many decisions to make that may affect the ending of the story. A very innovative game if I may say. Characters are very detailed and are pure of emotions as if they are true living persons. The best feature of this game is the control system which uses the full potential of the sixaxis motion control of the dualshock 3, for example just the way you brush your teeth you sway your controller up and down motion or just the way you put on a lipstick.

The only thing I don't like about this game is the awkward control during your character's walking, it's a bit clunky where you have to hold the R2 button just to walk and sometimes it's difficult to turn. But this mild issue can be forgiven due to the immense storyline that will make you keep playing this game. So if you own a playstation 3 this game is also a must.

I give this game a score of 8.5/10

- ioshi

Heavy Rain

Developed by: Quantic Dream

Platform: Playstation 3

Release Date: February 23, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God of War 3 Excitement ^_^

God of War 3 is just around the corner and the final chapter in the God of War Trilogy is upon us.  I can't wait to get my hands on Kratos and smack and oblitirate some greek god butt. 

You can just imagine by the screenshots on how epic and large the scale of battles are.  This game is exclusively for the Playstation 3 only,  So if you own a Playstation 3 you gotta have a copy of one of the most anticipated games of 2010.  I guarantee it that you won't regret it.

- ioshi ^_^

God of War 3

Developed by: Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA)

Release Date: March 16, 2010

Platform: Playstation 3